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Using Indoor Sunlight To Improve Your Mood, Make You Feel Warmer, Protecting Skin and Furnishings

Washington, D.C. - With November 3 marking the end of Daylight Savings and more pronounced shorter periods of daylight in the northern hemisphere, the nonprofit International Window Film Association is offering advice on how to maximize the benefits of indoor sunlight, while protecting the skin and furnishings.

Shorter days and limited sunlight can cause people to feel down, decrease productivity and disturb natural sleep patterns. In more extreme cases the result is a form of depression know as #SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder. Fortunately exposure to bright light has been shown to alleviate the condition and improve performance.

For example, according to the U.S Department of Education, children perform better in environments with natural light. Students in classrooms with the most day-lighting had a 20 percent better learning rate in math and 26 percent improved rate in reading compared to classrooms with little or no day-lighting.

Similarly, a Cornell University study reports workers exposed to optimal daylight had a two percent increase in productivity, the equivalent of an additional $100,000 a year of value for every 100 workers. Workers in offices with optimized natural light also reported an 84 percent drop in symptoms of eyestrain, headaches and blurred vision symptoms, all of which can detract from productivity if not addressed.

"On the other hand, too much indoor sunlight can be too bright and too warm, causing glare and thermal stress," said Darrell Smith, executive director of the IWFA. "The key is to balance the need for abundant natural light with the need to offer an even comfort level and protection for the skin and furnishings from the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays," he added.

Professionally installed window film may allow in ample natural sunlight without the downside risk of harmful UV rays that may damage the skin and eyes, cause hot-spots, glare and lead to higher energy costs.

This article courtesy of the IWFA


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